本帖最后由 樱林花主 于 2015-10-6 10:51 编辑 8 {. }7 e$ C& p3 f, R
& {& _% _( w% _; p<FONT size=4>
9 j* j/ M3 H% V* C<P><FONT size=4> 风摇玉碎,云轻雾敛,</FONT></P>
% Y' k4 W" y5 ~! Q<P><FONT size=4> 碧波催皱。</FONT></P>
+ ~$ s4 [3 ~7 w/ d2 [9 m<P><FONT size=4>影绰魂销,还是月明时候。</FONT></P>! }9 i* G( s, V% V5 i
<P><FONT size=4> 孤芳纵好无人赏,</FONT></P>$ w% F% r4 G4 Z) d* k; M: j
<P><FONT size=4> 一任暗香盈袖。</FONT></P>" s: J- J7 |; s
<P><FONT size=4> 笑多情却恼,</FONT></P>" j& d8 \. s$ W) J5 K! z' C1 o
<P><FONT size=4> 九回肠处,怎堪空瘦。</FONT></P>
0 ~7 a1 O$ v8 m( Q<P><FONT size=4></FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman">/ W/ q7 h# c% @( \0 K5 L, b3 j2 j
<P><FONT size=4></FONT></P></FONT>
% p2 ?5 v- |6 s0 a! U' N5 f<P><FONT size=4></FONT></P>" ]# l8 [' h+ w' u/ X3 o
<P><FONT size=4></FONT> </P>( e1 l K, L$ K9 a3 q; d! A4 a {* c
<P><FONT size=4> 自春归迹杳,</FONT></P>; ]! P; @' J v5 _4 w1 F
<P><FONT size=4>如今谁忆,当日夭桃绵柳。</FONT></P>
9 l; u3 c+ q9 ?9 {: }2 g0 R. n. |<P><FONT size=4> 难舍依依,</FONT></P>- B/ A% @+ D" u" X% c, x4 d
<P><FONT size=4> 却道倚栏休久。</FONT></P>
" D/ k( \7 B1 x4 ^<P><FONT size=4> 欲将薄醉斟池满,</FONT></P>+ F) V+ U5 l$ X- |. \- W
<P><FONT size=4> 同饮新词陈酒。</FONT></P>
/ K5 @' K8 b; e) x" J; U+ E<P><FONT size=4> 见鸳鸯并颈,</FONT></P>
5 R5 n) Y# z* H4 u! t0 G! e* s6 e<P><FONT size=4> 独枝莲下,有同心藕。</FONT></P>' ]! W( y. s% q4 g: H4 C! W7 _. v
<P></FONT>- i; n R% S; ~
<P><FONT face="Times New Roman">1 P% s7 m2 }2 N! c
<br></FONT>: O" Q: E) L9 V% _7 P
<p><img src="data/attachment/forum/dvbbs/2005-6/200562115454295583.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=\'hand\'; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(\'data/attachment/forum/dvbbs/2005-6/200562115454295583.jpg\');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></P>! k: U/ |5 d, v5 i5 i d
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-21 15:48:22编辑过]
0 X2 E& x! u# I, U+ |& g4 p4 K [( S h2 [/ o* Q: o